who befriends another boy who also played: an asocial that almost did not relate to anyone, and that was expressed through their impressive designs. He founded the club with the geniuses, and we live countless adventures. That little bit of pleasure to so short we did, gave us murderers to fight robots, aliens and monsters in general very bad. The most frightening of all was "Campanoide", a hybrid between human and cyborg, who wanted kill us because. Nor is that much more curren motivations of the villains in the stories, so to us this explanation was sufficient.
As you can see the bedroom is at the top, and when you look in detail you will see that what is at the bedside is "Thing" hand controller Addams family. On the wall hangs a poster of smoking, becoming apparent that my animosity towards snuff is long, and one side is a slide that I permitría slip, drawing natural curvature of the handle, to my enormous pool in living dolphins and mermaids. Takes Now
At the bottom of the pool was the guest room and other typical rooms of a house, I did not even bother to draw them, because what was cool was to have a large room with a slide.
lamp input in the tube, it was a jungle (with pine trees!) Inhabited by a colony of panda bears and a monkey, and if we were not as many in there, lived with Casper and had a miniature schnauzer . As most know the old devil by the devil, and we conservábamos wisdom of millennia (I was 9000 years, although no one would say), our lamps are turned into everyday objects to pass unnoticed, as is typical transformers.
Over time others were joining our club (which shows that even as a frikadas, had his point), and as people would enter the awarding powers was increasingly more absurd. After those four elements, we turn to gold, grass, wood and metal. This prostitution of the original idea, along with a couple of girls wanted to enlist, was the beginning of the end. Our association had played an important role in the eradication of evil, and was already close to meeting its mission.
Years have passed and the club is just genius becomes unforgettable, and although I know you feel interest in football is much more practical to do so (much easier social relations), not change those experiences for anything. Campanoide Down!
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