Friday, March 25, 2011

Monica Roccaforte Birth Date

Cyclists are the devil

Previously, in the building of the sheep, " wherever you go with the bike, you are a danger inconsiderate public "(that entry HERE ).

Yesterday morning I had to do several errands in different parts of the city, and most practical to waste no time was to take the bike. I checked the condition of the wheels, put on my backpack, and jumped to adventure, and there is no other word to define what is go into the concrete jungle and emerge unscathed. As seen in the entry that links to the top, wherever you go uncomfortable, clogging and are subject to criticism. People do not like to disturb your peace of mind having to dodge bicycles, or on the road or on the sidewalk ( or the tram, of course ).

was going to a snail's pace because of the old ones go arm in arm, covering the entire sidewalk, and neither are you or away, or if they do, they give you a litany of snarls and bad sides. In one of these two women came from the front arm in arm (why not walk in single file, like everyone else?). I stopped as a precaution, leaned against me as possible to a planter (a cm would have been crushing the flowers), and I waited patiently until I reached and passed. They did, and one of them was so absurd that occurred in the arm with the handle. It stopped short and called me all, and that is whose fault is it here? "My child, for having the halt and depart detail as possible ratazo before they arrived, or are delayed and they were determined to stick to me having any sidewalk outside?

rider, of course, always our fault.
(Aaaayy. .. What would I do big screen in this city ...!)


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