Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Baby Is Choking On Mucus

God pursues me ... but I am faster

begin to think that Jehovah's Witnesses see me as a potential new supporter, because I know not how many times they come to eat the ear with chickens. Yes, but it's fun to bring down the blessed in their own traps, presenting logical arguments that invalidate the holes and inconsistencies in his script, this morning I soon got rid of the woman who tried again, mostly because I had to study. I am proud of: only a few minutes and without resorting to verbal violence or slammed in his face:

- Hello

- Hello

- Have you ever wondered why the world is so bad, where are we going and what is the solution?

- Yes, and I know where to go, but do not strain yourself, I'm an atheist.

- I get it. But I come not to speak of religion, I come to speak of the global situation. Have you seen that only getting worse, right? Conflicts are becoming older and see how it will be, that there are even places in the world where you could not mean that they are an atheist. How awful, right?

Do you think this is going to be solved alone, or that we are committed to destroy us altogether? It is clear that if we continue like we will not find the solution, and that salvation must come from a Savior, who is God.

- Aha ... Hey, seriously, I do not want to waste time, I have a lifetime of atheism convinced that you will not change in 5 minutes.

- That's right, you believe in your convictions, for there to be strong for it. For example, I am the only witness of the Lord in my family, but it was something that was born with me, but then hugged him when I discovered our Lord. Now you say you are an atheist, but I think if a little research might change your mind, right?

- No. Precisely because research is so I'm an atheist. If we are committed to the destruction is what happened, but I do not have a magic man who lives in ancient clouds and go at the last moment to prevent it. By this token, if a Jehovah's Witness investigation, could also be an atheist, do not you think?

- (Silence ..) Well ... delighted to have spoken to you. What's your name?

- Pablo

- Hey, how curious! You have the name of a biblical character who, after chasing the beliefs, change of when Jesus appeared. To you it may well happen.

- Well, that, when displayed me change my opinion. Encantado.

'm thinking of putting a sign on the door that says something like "I'm an atheist, I believe that religion is a cancer and I will not change your mind, so do not bother try to convince me. Thanks ", but something tells me that either the ambiguous tolerance enacting the church not apply to me for questioning the divine work, or they would come more voices and try to convince lobotomized in plan challenge. What a cross!

(To read my first encuenta EPIC with them, click HERE .
The second is here )


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