Thursday, March 31, 2011

Melina Velba Pool Table

Concreto Estampado en Techo de Edificio

concrete slab on the roof in a building on Avenida El Golf in Groove. The model is natural slate without burnished.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Detachable Wheel For Shoe

When socializing with people, which take in more land is needed is that speck of bad milk needed to combat such political correctness. I like people and wounding bitch is no more, but it has a bit of mischief from time to time to encourage and provide feedback and comments Conas "incorrect."

In the new studies is a girl that I play the game perfectly, and there are a couple of people in a way too, but in general I find the same old thing: a lot of restrained person who thinks evil but does not say, but then, when you hear it you, is Descojonado a jaw open immediately becoming an accomplice. And that is why there is a curious paradox, you say something "immoral", the other was out with tears of laughter and even follows you play, but then the bastard you. Well look, no. Is as guilty as the one who steals it ensures that no one notices. No? The fact is that yesterday was in the cafeteria of the new studies Osoamoroso , whom I get along very well though as the day we and night. Double care was a sugar to keep it in your wallet, and as I noticed what was asked:

- Do you collect sugar packets?

"No, but I liked the quote that comes in this, so I'll take it. Says "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" . She's pretty, right?

"Yes, it reminds me of Oscar Wilde who said something like " No one is so ugly, that under certain conditions of light and shadow does not look beautiful. "

- How beautiful! Do not you think? Also, if you think it's true. :)

"Man, I rather think that he said because he was a cubist painting, and here is not because they want comfort. Jajajajajajajajaja

-hahahaha. Since then ...

-fact, it's "under certain lighting conditions" sounds like having the light off. So we're all good, do not you fuck? Jajajajajaja

"You're wrong, Peibol.

- Yes, you're worse than a demon.

Jo ... people do not understand my humor. (

Speaking of misfortunes (so to speak), I dismiss the bloggosfera until after the tests, which as usual I have put them all together and I have no time to pee. it take to post, comment and reply, but it will be for a good cause. Wish me luck!

Adult Star Pinky Scene

Estampado de Wood 15 cm. More progress

work already finished wooden stamp of 15 cm. wide at Pachacamac, enter now to be washed and sealed with Clear Seal. Post here progress.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Arkham Horror Best Spell

We are applying to and floors. On this material also apply Stain Crete sealed with urethane or Clear Seal

Friday, March 25, 2011

Artificial Sugar Makes My Teeth Sensitive


natural slate stamped concrete step Barranco offices.

Monica Roccaforte Birth Date

Cyclists are the devil

Previously, in the building of the sheep, " wherever you go with the bike, you are a danger inconsiderate public "(that entry HERE ).

Yesterday morning I had to do several errands in different parts of the city, and most practical to waste no time was to take the bike. I checked the condition of the wheels, put on my backpack, and jumped to adventure, and there is no other word to define what is go into the concrete jungle and emerge unscathed. As seen in the entry that links to the top, wherever you go uncomfortable, clogging and are subject to criticism. People do not like to disturb your peace of mind having to dodge bicycles, or on the road or on the sidewalk ( or the tram, of course ).

was going to a snail's pace because of the old ones go arm in arm, covering the entire sidewalk, and neither are you or away, or if they do, they give you a litany of snarls and bad sides. In one of these two women came from the front arm in arm (why not walk in single file, like everyone else?). I stopped as a precaution, leaned against me as possible to a planter (a cm would have been crushing the flowers), and I waited patiently until I reached and passed. They did, and one of them was so absurd that occurred in the arm with the handle. It stopped short and called me all, and that is whose fault is it here? "My child, for having the halt and depart detail as possible ratazo before they arrived, or are delayed and they were determined to stick to me having any sidewalk outside?

rider, of course, always our fault.
(Aaaayy. .. What would I do big screen in this city ...!)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Best Fta Receiver Withh Iks

Staircase Stain Crete Decorative Concrete in Starbucks Diagonal

Stain Crete in the remodeling of Starbucks Diagonal Avenue in Miraflores. To seal use W / B Urethane for greater resistance to high traffic.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Leica Microscope Lens

Work in Progress: Wooden Pattern

In a cottage in Pachacamac are doing the printing of the interior floors of the bedrooms , hallways and living room with wooden model of 15 cm wide in nature.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Why No More High School Showers

Research is of good Christians

I know that religion is becoming a recurring theme too on the blog, but I really do not intend it, is that I put egg. Yesterday I passed the evangelical center next door to my house , and stood for a second dry to hear what he said the enthusiastic preacher

- ... and Cristiano is not reading, not even read the Bible. You have to read everything that put us ahead, but we do not agree with what you say. Then we'll see what they say Plato, Einstein, Darwin and "all those" ... and once you read them, we can realize all the lies that they want to invent and create. And is that mistake not brothers, the ONLY truth is sacred and that which comes from Christ. Everything else has been created to try to confuse you.

With two balls.
I still wonder how may not be illegal and manipulate people.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Color Tvs Prices In Hyderabad Poratbale

A rare child

The other day, when I wrote about the club geniuses, I began the entry saying that I was a strange child, and you could see the league as being of the few who did not play football. Actually my intention was to write what else I did as a outsider, but the nostalgia came over me and the post I was a different course. Were it not so, would have listed as I do now, a top 5 things that my class was passionate about, and I looked like a real pain in the ass :

1 - Dragon Ball

drawings were static, with endless close-ups of faces of poor host, in which some ninjas with hair vigoréxicos mo co that of Tokio Hotel , made noises to be shitting by force, while frowned and clenched jaws for several minutes. He then gave a jump, he rolled to slaps (just static in the line of Asian animation), without skimping on violence both clubs receiving a locally termed. Then there was a lizard with a bad host agijonazos who murdered people, and faced conguito inflatable doll had no dialogue. I do not remember anymore because I dreaded the series, did not understand where was the grace to see another chapter hosts dolls, chapter too, and that free aggressive sobredodis me unpleasant. Will I'm a wimp, or that I liked a lot more argument, but when I saw pictures looking have fun and laugh, not swallow a viacruxis tinged with mysticism.

2 -
Chiq uito de la Calzada

Aargg! I could not with him! I looked behind, and not to repeat the fun picked up nonsense words in the middle of "jokes" without grace

"This is a man - Fistro! - Who goes by the street and - Jarl! I can not! - Is a woman who says, "Where are you going sinner on the Prairie!? I'm going for the glory of my mother, Jarl! "

What the hell was that?

remember with horror the tiny living-mania, the shift graciosillos imitate what the any occasion and everyone Descojonado, with imitators and with the original. I looked around to see if I missed something, but no, you see that was a smart humor does not pinch. Come, I will try reperer the formula:

"This is a man - Maca! - Who goes by the street and - PING! The pain! - Is a woman who says, "Where are you going militant wheel!? I'll get earplugs, Ping! "

No no fucking sense and grace, right? Well, that

3 - The Power Rangers

Others of the same suit that dragon ball, although in this case were real actors. students who were 8 to 2 going to class, but leave ... They wore colorful pajamas and kicked him to the Muppets! Take that!

Poor Teddy wore costumes very cheesy, kind of basketball team mascot, had stemmed from an aunt with horns ("Maleficent ?), That all he did was laugh out loud for being lousy. Muahahahahahaha!

Over the years the red power ranger porn passed , the yellow one died, another was convicted of murder in cold blood a couple, and others have eaten the cucas. It was clear that people could not end well.

4 - The Tamagotchi

- Hey man! I have a tamagotchi!

- So what is it?

- is a virtual pet!

- So you do not exist, right?

- course there is, look, it is.

- What do you do?

- Nothing is here on the screen, and you have to be aware of if you are hungry, or sleepy poop because you do not care if he dies. This handsome!

- Ya ... What if you die you doing?

- You give the reset button and live again.

- understand ... "I said you had cost 3000 pesetas? ¬ ¬

5 - El Chavo del Ocho

Another teeny style absurdity of the roadway, ie "mature" men making stupid idiot , and provoking laughter by repeating catch phrases to put faces and 800 times per chapter. The action takes place in the courtyard of a neighboring community, where parents and children were around 40 and all were delayed. The series was boring and absurd, but hear from the guy his "It gives me more rage!" kept the audience engaged until the next episode. Absolutely inexplicable.

Am I the only one who put his eyes to these things, or are there more people out there?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Calories In Breakfast Ceral

15 cm W / B Urethane Decorative Concrete parking

W / B Urethane is a non-yellowing clear sealer with 56% solids, is an aliphatic urethane coating with excellent adhesion. It is recommended for high traffic floors and performance, as a final sealing epoxy flooring system or as separate sealing surfaces polished concrete, acid stain floors with concrete or any surface that needs coverage and high resistance to wear and friction.

To apply the product is recommended to prepare the surface, leaving it clean, dust free and completely dry. The ideal is to work at room temperature between 13 º C to 29 º C and relative humidity around 75%. Floor which to work must be fully cured according to the procedure and time specified by the manufacturer of the slab or the technical specifications indicated. Do not apply the W / B Urethane on sealers or acrylic paints.

The preparation of W / B Urethane is mixing the component A (resin) with component B (Hardener) by mixing for a period of 2 to 3 minutes. The ratio is a can of hardener per gallon of resin. Under no circumstances must vary the proportion or re-store the product once mixed. Do not allow air into the mixture, it will cause the bubbles to the surface where it will be applied the product. Once mixed the time to apply the product is 1 to 2 hours at an average temperature of 24 º C and 50% relative humidity.

Apply with airless sprayer, roller or brush. Do not allow product to accumulate in puddles and not forming layers of more than 2 millimeters thick.

Additional consultations of this product at 01 3464070.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why Mastrabating Is Bad

This stampede
parking in a private house in decorative concrete slab model run in apartments sabal color sockets. Expansion joints are each three meters and were made by the client.