Sunday, February 13, 2011

How To Takeanti Adipose Tea

The Amazon Review of Affirmative

The other day in English class, we were doing a little review of geography as an excuse to recall the names of the known, and from there to learn other less common. The result could not be more disastrous.

Geography is one of those things that are forgotten through lack of practice, so even if you know roughly where are the sites, if now we were given a blank map to fill ALL shrouds fat drop certain regions. Or not?

In any case there are degrees, one can mistake the location of two provinces in a community where there are many, or get a cocoa with the agglomeration of small countries that we are far away, but it can not occur are how are you

- Hey that is Africa, right?
- Peibol : 're wondering Am I serious? : o That's America.
- If, right? I always get confused is that, as they have a similar way ...
- Peibol: Man, more like the opposite, so that previously embedded.
- Ah, yes?

- What did he say, Ireland or Iceland?
- I do not know, I think that Ireland .
- Peibol: Iceland is also left in the map with another color, and Ireland could not get on the map .
- Sure? I know is that both are up there, but I do not know which is which.
- Me neither. These islands are the two, right?
- These are the ones like the Netherlands, right?


- Teacher: For example, Fulanita, where are the Niagara Falls?
- Down in the Asia, right?
- Nooo even close!
- I mean in Europe ...
- not .
- Oh right, they were like Africa or something, right?
- No ¬ ¬
- South America?
- ...
- Ah, then you are in North America .

would mean any of this ... but I have no words, so you'd better be going to get everyone up to date with Yakko Warner. What the song is catchy?


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