Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Kates Playground In The Office

Puerta Alameda Towers 1, 2 and 3. Santa Fe

The residential complex will have 16 stories high, located in central Mexico City, is one of the most popular residential area was part of the "Plaza Juárez ".
Tower 1: Completed:
Tower 2: Completed:
Tower 3: Under construction.
Parking: Done. TOWER I

06 January 2005: What previously was a public parking structure, is purchased by the Park Development to build the Residential Gateway Alameda. The picture above shows the structure.
March 22, 2005: The construction of Tower 1 has begun, a huge crane is erected beside the old structure of public parking. April 29, 2005: Construction is booming, Tower 1 began to take shape as the public parking structure will house private residential parking.
May 21, 2005: The tower rises rapidly as a start to construction work Tower 2. July 13, 2005: Tower 1 began to acquire its final height, while its design began to be defined. TOWER II

May 21, 2005: Start the excavation of the site where Tower 2 will rise. June 22, 2006: The Tower 2 and presents a significant advance while the tower 1 and completed its construction.

April 12, 2006: Rear view of construction, it is noted that the tower 1 and completed its construction phase, while Tower 2 continues to rise to reach its final height. The residential parking is already conditioned rooms, including a ramp for easy access to higher levels. Sketch showing the final design of residential (image property of the Forest Development). TOWER III

Friday August 2, 2007. Tower III has surpassed half the tower's upper floors are still under construction. Blog
Buildings in Mexico. Ivan TMY


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