The residential complex will have 16 stories high, located in central Mexico City, is one of the most popular residential area was part of the "Plaza Juárez ".
Tower 1: Completed:
Tower 2: Completed:
Tower 3: Under construction.
Parking: Done. TOWER I
06 January 2005: What previously was a public parking structure, is purchased by the Park Development to build the Residential Gateway Alameda. The picture above shows the structure.
March 22, 2005: The construction of Tower 1 has begun, a huge crane is erected beside the old structure of public parking. April 29, 2005: Construction is booming, Tower 1 began to take shape as the public parking structure will house private residential parking. Condition:
Tower 1: Completed:
Tower 2: Completed:
Tower 3: Under construction.
Parking: Done. TOWER I
06 January 2005: What previously was a public parking structure, is purchased by the Park Development to build the Residential Gateway Alameda. The picture above shows the structure.
May 21, 2005: The tower rises rapidly as a start to construction work Tower 2. July 13, 2005: Tower 1 began to acquire its final height, while its design began to be defined. TOWER II
May 21, 2005: Start the excavation of the site where Tower 2 will rise. June 22, 2006: The Tower 2 and presents a significant advance while the tower 1 and completed its construction.
April 12, 2006: Rear view of construction, it is noted that the tower 1 and completed its construction phase, while Tower 2 continues to rise to reach its final height. The residential parking is already conditioned rooms, including a ramp for easy access to higher levels. Sketch showing the final design of residential (image property of the Forest Development). TOWER III
Buildings in Mexico. Ivan TMY
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