Saturday, May 14, 2011

Small Estate Affidavit, Florida

Surrealist Dinner

Last night I went to a birthday dinner. At first I wanted too, because although he knew the character, I can not say that I have great confidence in him, and had no idea who they were half the guests, who also did not dominate the entire English. The thing is that in principle we were going quite well known in the same group, but when it came time to decide most cracked, with the result that the symbolic contribution to the common gift, passed from symbolic contribution to capital. Yet I have no regrets, because he did not waste.

To begin had never been to an Indian restaurant and I loved it, and that I could not ask for anything he would have liked because half the people got tocapelotas was vegan. The problem was that local staff should not have very internalized English culture, which provides that when a group of people are eating at an establishment, the waiters do not come to i nterrumpir talks to ask what they were talking, saying that they only half understood and was interesting (true). Why were not uncommon plantificarse next to us very cheerful, Mobile to record us while we gave gifts, or sit and talk directly. Turns out the boy's mother's birthday and the owner knew, or so I understood, so he took these trusts. In addition, it was evident that they did so with the best intentions in the world and with a smile from ear to ear, but still ... how can I say? Let him go, dammit! There

interaction games given by the bride's homejado that socio-cultural studies, and made us do things like sit on top of each other, do imitations, or be rotated in place to give or receive massages. All this while we had wearing the hats birthday they gave us on arrival, and not take off until we left. Aided
a broom he held aloft a paper bag, assemble an improvised piñata outside the restaurant, which gave the birthday boy blows blindly with a mop stick until it broke discovering its contents: vel and incense as for everyone. All in front of a huge window to the front of the customers of the other tables.

And if all this were not enough, a couple of places beyond where I was, there was a boy of 21 who was studying theology. He told us that they were 6 years, between the first two years only had 7 people, who had to leave early because if you do not shut the convent, and that its goal was to become a priest (with all that that implies). The boy was pretty pen, which does not sit well with wanting to dedicate his life to an institution that strongly condemns homosexuality. He, however, life seemed happy and proud of his decision life sentence. All there in the vineyard of the Lord ...

Until yesterday I thought that of Beetlejuice was a surreal dinner at which one could attend. How wrong I was!


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