Saturday, April 30, 2011

What To Put Wedding Cards Into?

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As I said a couple post, less than a day after returning from Valencia was on a ferry bound for Las Palmas. That ship is the greatest thing ever invented for travel, it could not be more comfortable. Has bar, buffet and dining room, cinema room, lounge, small tables with padded chairs, terrace with sun loungers to get outdoors, and even a little store to buy magazines and cunt, I get a capital and let me in another, and all for 8 euros. Seriously, that ship is God. Arriving

did what sends the traidición, unpack, give birthday gifts to Sar @ (take the opportunity to advertise their tumbrl ), and go to dinner at a pizzeria in addition to pizzas very rare (and very good) is very attractive visually, is the aesthetics of the cafeterias of the 50 American, and the walls are lined with movie references and icons of the era. For some time here have allowed certain licenses, so that together with Marilyn, Elvis and James Dean, now coexist Beatles or Michael Jackson.

From there the maximum tonic has been resting, and that's the puntazo to go to Las Palmas, as the phase of exploring the city's I have more to overcome, we have no problem in wake afternoon nap or wasting time in cafes or shopping malls and that's another, the city awakens my consumerism by the large number of outlet stores it has, but look, I removed all the dancing, I deserve it. Man Now

addition, I can not think of a better way to spend the holy week that lazing around at home in good company, especially if the alternative is to go to a deserted streets or, worse, plagued by substandard, and that is tell me what other name you will decide who would voluntarily leave hooded, barefoot, their feet tied and bare back, giving back lashes to please his friend's magic clouds (the same as not being asked to do imbecility any style). Funny how if we do a lot as well, or cry because the rain keeps Let's walk the statue of a woman cheating, call it tradition, but looking at the equivalent of someone with a beard and turban, is an uncivilized radical .. . For my part
celebrated Good Friday by eating meat and "eating meat" that somehow you have to counter both beatismo sheep.

Now I'm back to my island I'll have to undergo a cleansing thoroughly, because the body is sending me messages (the first in the form of chicha incipient) that take many days eating shit can not be good. And all the while I returned to railway dynamics of new studies. All good things come to an end, but this week I have been known to holy holy glory, and that no one can take away me.


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