Sunday, January 30, 2011

Forum Inurl: Hair Extensions

Go find your own movie!

long ago discovered on YouTube a few trailers that I loved, but then did not blog, and now that I have returned to find I can not pass the opportunity to post them.

In recent years the level of Disney films had fallen in a dreadful, passing in less than a decade of masterpieces like Aladdin , Beauty and the Beast ( click here to read my reflection on the movie) or The Lion King to truño as Atlantis, and many others that no one remembers. It was sung when they launched a campaign to promote his new film, Lilo & Stitch , which wanted to make clear that returning to basics, something that could be noticed by observing the line drawings. The company had ceased be characterized by the rounded lines and pleasing (hidden messages) to go back to their drawing increasingly blunt and full of corners, it seemed that they involution evolution was moving ever closer to the anime aesthetic.

Stitch To prove that it was "one of the family" produced a series of trailers in which seeped into some of the most iconic movies of the company. This goes for all those who fell in love with him, and for those who have grown up in the golden age of Disney ...


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